All Marcela´s Scooters
| Vendula KosíkováBeing an experienced tailor, Marcela Maindlová knows that specific social events require specific outfits, and each terrain asks for a different scooter. She´s got four of them at home now. Which types has she got and where does she ride them? Let´s check.

Better than a gym
As her first scooter, Marcela tried Yedoo Mezeq nine years ago during an afternoon with alternative entertainment of the theatre Divadlo v parku. "I immediately fell in love with the movement, one stretches his back, strengthens his bottom and arms, and feels fresh air whizzing around his ears on top of that. Better than a gym, " says Marcela. " I am a scooter enthusiast and I have already excited interest for this activity in many friends, acquaintances and family members.
The Yedoo Mezeq scooter is a matter of the heart for me; though bad-mouthers call it "a tractor", I would give my life for it. It goes through every terrain and is ideal for building fitness. I used to ride it to pick up my kids from the afternoon club before, now I ride it in a more challenging terrain, and in moments when I am busy and I really want to work out hard.

Scooter for fast moving
"My second scooter is Yedoo City - we originally bought it for the kids, but now I use it mainly in the Prague film studios where I work as a costume designer. The scooter saves me a lot of time, for example in the Zličín hall we have to walk 300 metres to the toilets. I also take the City to the city, it is shorter and lighter than Mezeq, so it´s easy to fit in the underground and the tram. "
A festive scooter onto the road and longer outings
At a time when Marcela started looking for a larger scooter for longer routes, the aluminum Yedoo Alloy scooters came onto the market. Marcela tested a Wolfer from a Yedoo rental which serves customers exactly for the purpose of trying out a scooter before buying it.
"Me and my friends, we set off on a Saturday's ride along the Vltava river, we each had a scooter by a different brand, and we were changing and testing them in the group. I recommend such testing to everyone, this immediate comparison is priceless. It was Yedoo Wolfer that beated all that time.
I like to ride longer routes on smooth roads out of the city. I throw my scooter into the car and go for a ride, for example from Lázně Toušeň along the Elbe river to Mělník and further to Roudnice. Along the Elbe river you can reach Dresden, the German part of the bike trail has a perfectly smooth asphalt surface. It´s no problem to ride 100 km per day on Wolfer."
Lusatian Lakes
Lužická jezera (Lusatian Lakes) is an artificial lake area created by flooding the abandoned brown coal mines in Brandenburg and Saxony just 100 km from the border of the Czech Republic.
A network of asphalt cycle paths has been created between the lakes, making an ideal smooth surface for scooter-riding.
Likewise, Marcela enjoyed a ride around the lakes Lužická jezera or a holiday with cyclists in Istria, where, however, she was riding a scooter around the seaside. "It was beautiful, we were there in April, the roads and the beaches were empty and the sun warm just enough to wear t-shirts and shorts.
My main "gym" is, however, the trail around the Vltava river from Modřany towards Zbraslav, unfortunately it´s heavily frequented on both banks, especially when the weather is nice. "

Field Scooter
Marcela really likes her Wolfer and suffers when she has to ride it off a smooth road. That´s why she bought another one - this time Yedoo Trexx. She bought it second-hand: "It was like brand new and for only CZK 6,000. I use it for field trips, broken roads and field roads. Trexx came in handy riding me to work from Hostivař to Zlíchov last summer. "

Scooters for more than chillout moments
"Scooter means for me a perfect relaxation - I mostly work on film projects from 10 to 12 hours a day, then I need to shut down, relax and gain strength to go on. In spring, when nature wakes up, I mostly feel like going out into the greenery. I hope that this year I will be able to take at least an extended weekend off and as soon as the weather allows, take a ride along the Danube Cycle Route."
Marcela´s dream is to ride around the Dutch mills or explore the beauty of the Carinthian lakes.
Selection Guide
May Marcela´s dreams come true, is our wish for her, and for you we have The Scooter Selection Guide, which is going to configurate your best scooter- rides “partner“. Check Products section.
Nevertheless, we are joining Marcela´s opinion that the best thing you can do is to try the scooter out before buying it. See Yedoo Dealers.