How To Buy The Right Scooter, Running Bike, Or Children Bike?
| Dan Pilát, Jitka SlavíčkováSometimes it may be quite difficult to buy a suitable scooter, a running bike or a children bike for you or for your child. The Internet is full of diverse products and retailers and such overflow can be quite intricate. Real stores, on the other hand, often do not offer such a choice. So what are the best practices for choosing the right product?

Step One – Good Advice
When choosing a scooter, running bike or children bike today, you will probably first browse the Internet. To get grasp of the area, it is never a bad idea to start with different discussion forums. There is a large amount of communities that can serve as source of interesting practical information. But a thorough “immersion into the topic” requires a lot of time.
There is also a simpler and more efficient way – to get a general idea of the most reliable brands of the market and to see directly the website of the manufacturer. The manufacturers know the most about their products and usually can offer you sufficient information necessary for better decision-making.
If you prefer a personal contact, it is ideal to consult somebody who already has a similar product (usually pleasant and communicative people who will gladly share their experience) or to visit some of the shops. Specialized exhibitions and fairs can also constitute a useful source of information.
Step Two – Purchase On The Internet
Let’s assume you have already found “your” manufacturer whose products have captured your attention and who sells the product closest to your heart. Most manufacturers offer the possibility to order the product directly from their website (or have a list of specialized dealers on the site). This choice is usually the safest and the most reliable - who else if not the manufacturer will guarantee to deliver the products to the customer in time and in a perfect condition? It is a mater of the manufacturer’s reputation.
A responsible manufacturer should also inform you about the servicing workshops where you can take your scooter to in case you need adjustment or repair. It is usually a list of the manufacturer’s own shops or shops of contractual dealers who are able to provide professional servicing.
So if you are clear about everything, we can proceed to order. But beware! Before clicking on the “Order” icon, you must realize one important thing – the scooter, running bike or children bike will very probably be delivered in a box, unassembled and unadjusted. If you don’t have the necessary tools and if you don’t wish to assemble the new product on your own, you could be quite disappointed. So if you don't want to deal with assembling, choose a professional help of some of the specialized shops.
Step Three – Choice Face To Face
If you have decided to visit a real shop – we have several suggestions here too:
- First – look for a good dealer who offers qualified service and smooth delivery of the chosen model.
- Second – the dealer should always offer you assembly and professional adjustment or even the first service inspection free of charge.
- And third – specialized shops can also offer a pleasant service in form of rental, offering you the opportunity to actually ride the selected product and decide based on your own experience. Some of them will even refund you the rental fee if you buy a product from them within a month.