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Riding a Scooter to Work. Join Us

Do you want to ride a scooter to work? Do you want to get in shape, mood and strengthen relationships with your colleagues? To contribute to cleaner air and more pleasant, safer and healthier cities? Join us and register for the national competition Biking to Work, which is being organized already for the sixth time this year by the association Auto*Mat.


What is it?

6th national motivational competition organized by the association Auto*Mat


May 1-31, 2016

What is the goal?

To motivate people to regularly use non-motorized means of transport. To motivate firms to create the necessary background for employees, to motivate city councilors to support the establishment of cycle paths etc.

How to participate?

Create a working team of 2-5 people and in May ride to work on scooters, the minimum distance is 1,5 km (number of teams in one company is not limited)

  • Register here
  • Pay the fee 250 CZK per person
  • Ride, Compete, Be creative

What are the competition disciplines?

  • REGULARITY - if you travel at least 66% of journeys to and from work - you will get to Prize Draw
  • PERFORMANCE - the driver with the greatest number of driven km wins
  • CREATIVITY – does riding inspire your creativity? Join the creativity competition for the best poem, photo album, video, etc., that was born in your head while riding
  • CYCLE MEASURE - you can be rewarded if you send a clever suggestion to improve or correct the imperfection in infrastructure
  • COMPANIES RIDING - if you stay until the end of September, you can participate in a new competition category for companies in which the regularity is rated most of all
  • CYCLE EMPLOYER OF THE YEAR - competition category for companies that best support their employees in cycling to work

Yedoo on the Ride

On our way home from the Tour de France, many of our team promised to themselves to ride their scooters more often - even to work. A day without feelings of joy and freedom experienced through riding scooters - this we could not even imagine back then. But over time, although we are a scooters producer, we got back to our routines. You know it: too much work; raining cats and dogs weather; family obligations, lack of sleep, coughs, running noses, etc.

For Joy and a Healthier Planet

But we will try to change it this year. Our participating in the motivational national competition Biking to Work in which societal motivation adds to the personal one should help. Perhaps even the fact that last year´s competitors, having reached the number of 7 280, rode so many kilometers that they would have circled The Earth thirty-five times. If all of them went to work by car, they would have produced about 212 tons of carbon dioxide, 1 ton of carbon monoxide, 49 kg of dust particles which bind lots of substances damaging to our health and the environment. Will you join?

Scooter as a Prize

We donated a scooter Yedoo City New as a prize for the category CREATIVITY. That could be a good motivation. The best ideas are born in our heads in moments when we do not strive, when we leave all our duties behind and enjoy the pleasure, pleasure of riding a scooter, perhaps. Then new ideas jump into your head almost by themselves. It can be a poem or a picture. You can record a video or draw comics. Imagination has no limits. Details can be found at

About the association Auto*Mat

Auto*Mat promotes better environment for the quality life in the city. It supports public, pedestrian and bicycle traffic as well as rational use of cars. It brings inspiration from European capitals and activates people to go for the positive transformation of streets and public spaces. It surveils politicians and the effective use of public money. Together with their supporters it makes up the city in which we want to live.

For more see



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Traveling with Scooter in Public Transport Will Be More Comfortable

24. 3. 2016 | Redakce

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