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The only thing that bothers me about the scooter is that I didn’t discover it sooner

He had been cycling since childhood (often for long distances) and he kept at it for many years – until doctors diagnosed him with prostate problems. “Sitting is not good, neither at work nor on a bike,” explains Pavel*, who switched from a bicycle to a scooter at the age of 50 due to health problems.

*We changed the name due to sensitive personal information.
*We changed the name due to sensitive personal information.

I didn’t feel like walking

It is never too late to begin.

Scientists from the American Society for Nutrition have defined eight principles that can prolong life based on a study  of war veterans. According to them, even a 50-year-old smoker suffering from diabetes and other ailments has a chance to live to a ripe old age – that is, provided he incorporates these principles into his life, whether all at once or gradually over the years.

Movement has the greatest impact on life expectancy – according to the study, just 7.5 hours of physical activity per week were able to reduce the likelihood of death by up to 46 percent in the veterans studied.

Here are the principles, nicely ordered according to importance and their level of influence:

  1. Get moving (ideally 7.5 hours per week)
  2. Don’t take opiates
  3. Don’t smoke
  4. Avoid stress
  5. Eat healthy
  6. Limit alcohol
  7. Sleep 7 to 8 hours a day
  8. Don’t isolate yourself and spend time with good-humoured people

Source: American Nutrition Association

“I have a sedentary job and I thought that if I cycled after work, it would be enough, but unfortunately... The doctor told me to change my job or at least to walk instead of cycling.

I didn’t want to do either, so I started thinking about roller skates and other alternatives. But then suddenly I read somewhere: Try a scooter!

So, I got one right away – I picked a cheaper one because I didn’t know if it would even catch my interest. My first ride was a tragedy, everything hurt – my shoulders, back, hips... but I didn’t give up.

I studied riding techniques, watched a lot of videos and articles about cycling and started to improve and enjoy riding more and more.

But as my knowledge deepened, I found that my first scooter wasn’t exactly the best choice. It was heavy, had a high tread height (about 13 cm) and many other shortcomings.

So, I searched for a better one, looked for information, read reviews and asked experienced scooter riders. In the end, after careful consideration and detailed comparison of parameters, the Yedoo Trexx scooter won.


The height of the Trexx footboard, which is adjustable, does not exceed 8.7 cm even for off-road riding.

The Trexx impressed me not only with its riding performance and frame design, but also with its fresh green colour, which I love. On the very first ride it seemed like I grew wings. With minimal effort I flew through the landscape like lightning. It was switching going from a Velorex (note: a three-wheeled cloth-covered car) to a Ferrari. Not surprisingly, the Trexx has more than half the tread height of the Olpran A6 in the basic setting, just 6.7 cm.

In addition, the height of the Trexx footboard, which is adjustable, does not exceed 8.7 cm even for off-road riding. A layman would say just a few centimetres, but the difference in the feeling when riding is unprecedented – there is no comparing it at all.

The Trexx is also fitted with Kenda 60 TPI tyres, which roll beautifully thanks to their low rolling resistance. Last but not least, the Trexx scooter weighs a whole 3.7 kg less than the A6, and this is really noticeable, especially on longer journeys. 

I feel great, I’ve lost pounds and made my body firmer

Since I swapped my bike for a scooter, my weight has gone down dramatically (12 kg in six months). In addition to the change in movement (the scooter naturally keeps you at the ideal heart rate for burning fat), a healthier diet has also contributed to this – since that fateful visit to the doctor, I no longer drink beer, don’t eat smoked or fried foods, and instead of soda, I go for plain water.

Positive changes are also being reflected in the driving style. I used to do a lot of stomping on the bike to get it going – I have low blood pressure, but with a scooter I get pumped up naturally. When I move, I feel all the muscles, including the abdominal and back muscles. Thanks to the scooter, my low back doesn’t hurt anymore, and my arms don’t tingle like they used to on the bike.

I really like riding the Trexx. If the weather i fine and I’ve got time, I ride about 30-50 km every day.

Yedoo Trexx Scooter
Pavel really likes riding the Trexx. If the weather is fine he rides about 30-50 km every day.

My only regret about the scooter is that I haven’t discovered it sooner, so let me recommend to everyone: People, drop your bikes, especially the electric ones, and try a scooter, you’ll see the difference.”


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