A word with sports psychologist Radka Kulhánková
| Vendula KosíkováIt is perhaps because she grew up in the mountains that she cannot imagine her life without movement. She then combined it with psychology, which she studied at Charles University in Prague. She later sealed this connection with a doctoral degree in Kinanthropology* at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport.

Together with Radka Kulhánková, we have prepared several articles about how to motivate children to get moving, what you as parents should know about children’s developmental stages, how to be a good example or how to encourage children properly, etc. Follow us
And because she studied psychology as a double major along with special education, she cannot complain about the diversity of her work – she works as a school psychologist, lectures, does sports psychology for children and adults, advises top athletes, and also focuses on the personal development of her clients.
Last but not least, she is part of a team of facilitators of a five-year self-experience training for people, who work with groups of children or adults.
*A scientific field dealing with various forms of human movement in terms of its development and structure, individual prerequisites, impact on physical, psychological and social changes in a person, etc.
At one time you could also find her in HESU – a sports academy founded by the Olympic athlete Zuzana Hejnová. Nowadays, however, she is more likely to be found in the foothills of the Krkonoše Mountains, where she rides her quad bike to her clients’ training sessions and, as a school psychologist, to different pre-schools in the foothills as well. Her favourite place is in Špindlerův Mlýn, where she has recently dropped her anchor.

Radka Kulhánková does not shy away from sports in her free time, either – she likes to run, ski in winter, ride a mountain bike, swim, climb ferratas, loves skialpinism and also plays music: “But even that would not be possible without good fitness. Playing the double bass requires a fair amount of physical fitness,” she says with a smile.
Colour Association method is a diagnostic based on colour perception and word associations. It reveals the client’s inner setting, individual and group feelings, values, attitudes, etc., which helps the therapist to find out what motivates the client most, how he/she thinks, etc. without any long conversations, https://camethod.com/cz/
“When I set out on my career path, I met a lot of interesting people, who pointed me further in the right direction. For example, thanks to my colleague at the Department of Psychology in Ústí nad Labem, where I worked, I came across the Colour Association method, which is particularly suitable for children and sports environments. Without long interviews, it helps me understand the client’s internal setup.”
Together with Radka Kulhánková, we have prepared several articles about how to motivate children to get moving, what you as parents should know about children’s developmental stages, how to be a good example or how to encourage children properly, etc. Follow us.