Quality and safety testing. What do scooters need to bear?
| Vendula KosíkováYou can fully rely on our scooters and balance bikes. They go through many tests and stress tests before they reach you, the customers. In addition to continuously testing them ourselves, we have their safety, quality and health safety regularly verified by independent institutions. What are the tests and what do they assess?

Mathematical analyses of strength
Computer simulations help us to develop and innovate our products. Thanks to them, we can preliminarily analyse the strength of individual parts and entire assemblies. They help us optimize the strength and shape of the frame and they significantly speed up the entire process of development.

Testing bench
We test the strength of the individual frames directly in our development department on the so-called testing bench. It simulates push-off with 2.5 times* higher load than that generated by a 100 kg rider.
*Based on experience, calculations and consultations with experts, we assumed that if a rider jumps from a 30 cm high curb, he can generate up to 2.5 times his weight on the footboard upon impact.
For example, we load the frame of an adult scooter with a load of 250 kg and, simulating 60 push-offs per minute, observe the number of cycles before the first signs of material deformation appear on the frame.
That takes very long, though. For example, the aluminium frames of the second-generation of the Alloy scooter line last an incredible 375,000 cycles, which is up to 3 times longer than some scooters of rival companies, which we also clamp to our test bench (mainly for comparison).

Real-life prototype testing
However, the development of good scooters or balance bikes cannot be rushed. Without testing them in real-life operation covering up to thousands of kilometres, we could never be sure that the designed model is safe and its riding characteristics optimal for the proposed use of the scooter.
When we develop a new saddle for a balance bike, for example, you can be sure that the butts of all our children, and the children of our friends, will have sat on dozens of tested prototypes.
That is why we test tirelessly, not only within the company and the Yedoo racing team, but also in collaboration with other athletes and everyday users.
Michal Jarůšek, Yedoo’s most successful rider, for example, rode the final prototype of the Yedoo Wolfer RS racing scooter for over 3,000 test kilometres and provided us with invaluable feedback that allowed us to fine-tune this model down to the last detail.

Testing by independent institutions
What is examined:
quality of scooter construction (protruding parts and edges, ...)
parts that move against each other (tilting mechanism, adjusting mechanism, ...)
steering system (efficiency, strength)
the deck/footboard
self-locking accessories
speed lowering mechanism
strength (static load test, steering column, drop test, impact test, resistance test, ...)
What is being assessed:
accompanying documentation
marking, packaging (completeness, durability)
Before we put our scooters and balance bikes on the market, we have them tested for quality and safety by independent testing institutes.
For balance bikes we are required by law to certify, but for children’s and adult scooters, we do it voluntarily, beyond the legal obligation.
Each of our products therefore has a safety and quality certificate, which guarantees that the product complies with European legislation and that it meets a range of national and international regulations, which guarantee that the product will perform according to its intended use.
How does the handle taste?
In addition, children’s products must also be able to withstand all sorts of unpredictable treatment. The standards also take into account, if the product has holes, where children could stick their fingers, a loose part they could put in their mouths, or whether the materials used contain toxic substances, in case children think of tasting the product :-).
Our scooters and balance bikes are tested by experts at the Strojírenský zkušební ústav in Brno (specifically at the facility in Jablonec nad Nisou) and at the Technical and Testing Institute for Construction (TZÚS) in České Budějovice, according to the relevant standards, which not only set out the requirements for the products themselves, but also specify the testing methods in detail. For your interest, we state one requirement here:
Experts examine, if a scooter’s suspension can absorb the energy from a frontal impact, for example. The scooter is sent forward with the energy of 135 J and an impact velocity of 4 m/s.
What standards do the Yedoo scooters meet?
You can find the safety and quality certificate for each scooter and balance bike on our website.
ČSN EN 14619
The standard specifies safety and functional requirements for wheeled sports equipment, in particular scooters for users up to 100 kg. The standard checks the riding performance, structural strength, safety fastener components, durability and correct functioning of the individual components such as brakes, bearings, rims, tyres, etc. The standard also provides guidelines for the development of instructions for the use, installation and care for these products.
What standards do Yedoo balance bikes meet?
ČSN EN 71-1
The standard assesses the safety of toys intended for children under 14 years of age. For balance bikes, it checks, among other things, the proper functioning of brakes and handlebar, the strength and safety of the structure, defines the safe size of wheels, the size of brake levers, etc. It inspects the product for unprotected sharp edges or dangerous protrusions. The standard also specifies the information that the manufacturer must provide to the user to minimize the risks associated with the use of the product.
ČSN EN 71-3
The standard assesses the health safety of toys intended for children under 14 years of age. It focuses on the migration of elements - that is, it tests whether hazardous elements such as antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium and phthalic acid esters (the so-called phthalates, which are used as plastic softeners in plastics production) pass into the human body through direct contact with skin, sweat or saliva. Mainly handlebar grips, saddle surface, etc. are subject to examination.

Trust but verify
CE marking
CE is a manufacturer’s declaration that a product* meets EU safety, health and environmental requirements. This does not necessarily mean that the product has been tested and assessed for safety by an independent expert body.*Applies only to products subject to the legal obligation to CE mark. Scooters, for example, do not have this obligation, but balance bikes do.
Not all products sold in the Czech Republic have been tested and inspected by independent institutions, so always check for quality and safety certificates. Certificates for our scooters can be found on our website in the technical specifications for each model.