Dangerous Copies
| Dan Pilát, Jitka SlavíčkováWe all know that copies of brand products sometimes appear on the market. Sometimes we even buy the copies ourselves (clothes, shoes...) and expect that we will get the same or just slightly lower quality for a significantly lower price. A problem arises in the moment when the copy of the original product could be dangerous for us.

"Someone" Is Watching It For Us?
We expect that products are not dangerous, and that someone is checking them for us. Because even with food, for example, when something contains a harmful substance (or a product is past its expiration date), "someone" will take it off the market. It is true, that there is the Czech Trade Inspectorate and other organizations that are responsible for checking the quality of products, but the truth is that, unfortunately, there are always more "criminals" than "policemen."
Reputable Manufacturers Deal With Quality And Safety
But we are on a webpage about scooters, running bikes and children's bikes, so let's get back to these products. When making their original products, trustworthy manufacturers deal with usefulness and safety as well as making sure that all the products comply with existing legal requirements.
Plagiarists Care About The Lowest Possible Price
The makers of the copies are interested in the price first and foremost. In other words, how to make the product look very similar at first glance, but use as little as possible finances to make it. Standards like utility, safety and often even law requirements are laid aside.
In the photo gallery, you can see several examples of dangerous and bad quality vehicles.
The journey of taking a product off the market from the moment when it is first discovered that it is not authentic can often be very long, and often the copy manufacturer gets away with it. Our recommendation is therefore: Carefully check what you are buying before you pay for it. Find out who the manufacturer is, and make sure that the scooter has quality certificates. It will most definitely be worth it!

Our recommendation
The journey of taking a product off the market from the moment when it is first discovered that it is not authentic can often be very long, and often the copy manufacturer gets away with it. Our recommendation is therefore: Carefully check what you are buying before you pay for it. Find out who the manufacturer is, and make sure that the scooter has quality certificates. It will most definitely be worth it!