From One Hill To Another – Around The Wine Cellars On Scooters
| Vendula KosíkováThe Stráž hill in the Moravian village of Vrbice hides many treasures. The most valuable of these are the unique wine cellars and of course the delicate wine, that is being grown on the slopes of the Stráž hill by the local people. However, there was yet another reason why to visit Vrbice on the second Saturday of April. The traditional wine-tasting session was diversified with scooter and running bike races.

From One Hill To Another
The annual event entitled ‘From One Hill to Another’ has managed for the second time to combine seemingly dissimilar activities, namely wine-tasting and scooter races. However, the scooters were not intended only for the racing in Vrbice, a small village in Southern Moravia in the Czech Republic. A good many people used the scooter to travel round the wine cellars and explore the surrounding area. “Who would climb the hills on foot?” Tomáš Bílek, chairman of the citizens association VINAŘI VRBICE (Winegrowers of Vrbice) that had organized the event in cooperation with the Yedoo team, explains in the typical South Moravian dialect.
Moravians Know How To Enjoy Their Well-Earned Leisure Time
It is mainly the local people that come to enjoy the entertainment as well as the fine wine; that is why the event takes place in April – before the yearly spring tasks commence in the vineyards. The locals are able to really enjoy their leisure time. They were riding their scooters with the same passion with which they drink wine. “When I see those radiant faces and enthusiastic people, I am happy that our work is meaningful,” says Dan Pilát, general manager of the company producing the brand Yedoo, with a content smile on his face.
All the other Yedoo team members were also looking forward to visiting Vrbice. “I like it here. The locals know how to enjoy life. The life is too busy in Prague,” says Jakub Nosek, who was in charge of the maintenance service of the borrowed scooters in Vrbice and also helped with the preparations for the race.
Yedoo Mobile Rental Shop Brought Almost 70 Vehicles To Vrbice
The Yedoo team brought nearly 70 scooters and running bikes of all sizes to Vrbice. Many people were interested in trying out the vehicles, most of these were borrowed several times per day. Besides the standard Yedoo models, those who were interested could try out also the specially customized models, namely an electrically powered scooter, a scooter customized for mushing (dog scooter riding) or an off-road model of the Yedoo Mezeq scooter adjusted for challenging terrains. The prototype of the Yedoo Wolfer road scooter that is going to be introduced to the market by Yedoo in autumn was available there as well.
Racing Around The Wine Cellars
The scooter and running bike runners were divided in five categories depending on their age, and competed in short as well as long tracks. Nevertheless, all the tracks passed by the beautiful wine cellars in Vrbice, that are well renowned for their magnificent stone doorways with gothic pointed arches.
The winners of relevant races received small prizes. The winner of the main prize, namely the Yedoo City scooter, was picked at random on the basis of a wine ticket draw and it was Mrs Vlasta Böhmová from the town of Domažlice in Southern Bohemia. “I can’t believe it! I’ve never won anything in my life!” said the 40-year old woman joyfully.
Mrs Böhmová did not take part in the scooter races herself, but along with her husband she supported and cheered for their son Jakub, who participated in the category of younger boys. “We had borrowed the Yedoo Ox scooter for Jakub and since he was really satisfied with it, we bought it after the race. So we are leaving Vrbice with two scooters,” Mrs Böhmová concludes saying that she is looking forward to joining her son for a ride.
Do Not Wait Till Next Year
If you are sorry that you have missed this year’s event and you do not want to wait till next spring, go to Vrbice by yourself. It is really worth experiencing. If you want, you may join the May Pilgrimage through the Viniculture Micro-Region of Modré Hory that is taking place on 19 May. You can hire our scooters even for the entire weekend within the service intended for our customers. For detailed information, contact us.
The list of the current scheduled events in the surrounding area of Vrbice is available on