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Road to Joy. The essence of Yedoo in the new slogan

Riding a scooter is the best way to put your worries behind you. It is the shortest ROAD TO JOY. That is how we and all the happy riders, who rely on Yedoo, see it.

Wherever the road will lead, you are sure to enjoy it. The new Road to Joy slogan also contains Beethoven’s Ode to Joy.
Wherever the road will lead, you are sure to enjoy it. The new Road to Joy slogan also contains Beethoven’s Ode to Joy.

Road to Joy

People share different things with us, but the fact that the scooter has brought more joy into their lives appears in almost all the messages. 

That’s why we had it rather easy when choosing the slogan we present to you here – it just emerged from the feedback from people who ride our scooters.

“As soon as I push off, a wave of joy washes over me, it puts a smile on my face and makes me exclaim with joy: Jedůů* (I’m riding)!” *in Czech language

“I move forward with ease and minimal effort. I turn around to see if I have not grown wings, I feel the wind in my hair and I am flooded with a feeling of incredible freedom.”

“I leave my worries behind and I begin to unlimit my beliefs that scooters are only meant for kids, cars for adults, and that complete freedom is only for 20 days a year.

Balance Bike Yedoo OneToo
We decided to only use the new slogan Road to Joy in English – just like our brand name Yedoo, which is a phonetic transcription of the joyful exclamation of Czech “Jedůů” (I’m riding) into the world spoken language –⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ English.

Scooters and balance bikes powered by joy

It was the same with us, before becoming the world’s scooter and balance bike manufacturers, we just did what we loved and what brought us joy – riding on two wheels without pedals and with a passion to explore new uncharted paths – production, racing, and personal ones. 

Scooters are a fantastic thing, they have already enticed quite a number of children and “pencil pushers” to go out into fresh air, and more and more people are joining them.

A scooter is essential

The scooterer Bert from Žižkov said it best: “The scooter is about the basic feeling of movement. It doesn’t get any simpler than that – you switch legs same as when walking, only in a different six-beat rhythm. You are in constant contact with the surface, you know about every cobblestone, the types of asphalt, you feel the fresh air caressing your cheeks and your foot is occasionally sprinkled with water from a puddle.

It’s easy to go where others can’t. You see backyards, back alleys, gardens, and paths that only the locals know about. I often jump off, look at the beauty, and at the same time I can zigzag through the city faster than anyone.”

All I need to do is push off

To have a happy life, you only need to make a decision or push off towards it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a child learning to balance on two wheels or an adult who has decided to explore the world on a scooter. Everyone can find a machine for the production of joy with us.

Scooters for Kids

Parents, forget about TV and popcorn. You can watch the best shows right outside your house as your kids learn and figure out how to tame their new infernal machine, as they race their neighbours and discover the joy of movement. And the best part? You can join them! Because a scooter is great at any age.

Yedoo Newsletter