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To Scotland on a Yedoo Wolfer Scooter

It´s already her second holiday which the teacher Anna Šafářová spends on a scooter. Last year she went along the Elbe river from its source to the sea. This year it has been Scotland where she fled away from the tropical temperatures that prevailed over the central Europe in July. She completed both routes long over 2,500 km on prototypes of road scooter Wolfer.

Lost somewhere in the middle of Scottish plains.
Lost somewhere in the middle of Scottish plains.

A Brave Girl

 "When we need to test something, we entrust Anna with it," says Yedoo chief designer Jakub Bostl, and he adds: "Anna is not afraid of big physical exertion, not distracted by demanding conditions, nor by rainy weather. She has the courage to make traveling alone as well. None of her friends has such a long holiday as she does."


PLANNED ROUTE: Prague − Düsseldorf − Rotterdam − Harwich − Edinburgh − Aberdeen − Inverness − Glasgow - Manchester - Portsmouth − Caen − Paris − Stuttgart − Prague

RIDDEN ROUTE: Prague − Düsseldorf − Rotterdam − Harwich − Edinburgh − Glasgow − Manchester

MACHINE: A prototype of Yedoo Wolfer scooter from new aluminium Yedoo Alloy series

SPECIAL TUNING: tires Schwalbe Marathon, improved tire hubs Novatec, wheels with thicker strings

BAGGAGE: tent, feather sleeping bag, tools and clothes, first aid kit, cooking utensils, food and water – a total of ca. 25 kg


ACCOMMODATION: woods, meadows, camping sites, gardens and dwellings of local hospitable people

HIGHEST TEMPERATURES: 35 – 38 °C in Bohemia and Germany

LOWEST TEMPERATURES: ca. 6 °C, morning white frost in Scotland

However, this way of traveling has its own charm and brings many unexpected situations and encounters. "Sometimes you need someone to give you advice, especially when you get oriented basically according to a map during your travel as I do," Anna says, adding: "Most people try to be helpful in many ways, offering accommodation and food, and similar things. In Arnstadt, Germany, I accepted the invitation from a lovely lady and spent night in her living room. In a Glasgow suburb we could use facilities of the local church, for a change. I also met an amazing Englishman who did not regret to spend his time, took his bike and accompanied me to a 23 km distant camp after I've just asked him for directions.”

“Traveling is not just about riding a particular distance, but most of all about knowing foreign countries, people and culture. And this all you can miss when gazing at GPS screen,” Anna explains.

Big Plans

Anna´s plans for this summer were spectacular – to ride from Prague to Scotland and back. But not all went the way she has imagined. She was leaving Bohemia during the highest temperatures reaching almost 40°C. In England she has suffered from persistant rain and occasional morning white frost. "I was looking forward to Netherlands' straight roads but I could not enjoy them much due to strong crosswind. I was also unpleasantly surprised by the surface of British roads, the asphalt on them was very rough and greatly slowed the ride."

Spending night at a private property, of course with the courtesy of its owners.
Spending night at a private property, of course with the courtesy of its owners.
Scooter still life by the church. What is it? I´ve never seen such a thing in my life. A common reaction of the English and Scots on the scooter. The cows were astonished, too. Having beer with her rescuers Alan and Andy, who advised her how to find accommodation in Edinburgh, which was overcrowded due to the ongoing music festival. A picturesque countryside in the English national park The Lake District. The rough surface of British roads slowed the ride immensely. Fortunately, these tiny bugs did not bite but crawled everywhere.

Anna Is Not Giving Up

This was not the only hardship the journey has brought to Anna. Although her friend Petra has joined her in Edinburgh, their joy of shared ride did not last longer than 500 kilometers. Near Manchester Anna has injured her ankle so much that the two girls have after a few days of rest decided to return home by bus instead.

“You never know what will come beforehand when traveling. But I will definitely finish my trip. I will start exactly at the point where I have finished it this year when riding the unbeatable Yedoo Wolfer scooter.”

At the peak of the saddle Kirkstone Pass in the English national park The Lake District, together with her friend Petra.
At the peak of the saddle Kirkstone Pass in the English national park The Lake District, together with her friend Petra.
To park a scooter loaded with 20 kg requires lots of skills. A cycling trail leading along a German highway. It looks beautiful, but how to get there? In Netherlands, there are two-lane bike paths. Riding in the rain Petra has just landed with her skillfully wrapped scooter in Edinburgh. To send it with EasyJet cost just CZK 400 more than a suitcase on the plane. Scooter siesta Out of economic reasons, Annie was carrying only the outer part of the tent, and these diverse layers should prevent moisture to penetrate the sleeping bag. With the injured ankle Annie still rode 17 km before she could finally relax in the camp.  This year's trip ends with a goodbye glass of wine.

See also


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