Riding a Scooter – Ideal Form of Exercise
| Dan Pilát, Jitka SlavíčkováScooter fans generally agree that riding a scooter is great fun, and they can hardly perceive its wholesome influence on their body. And that is good - what we enjoy doing, we do without difficulty and with ease.

Scooter is Beneficial for Our Health
Scooter riding as a method of exercise is praised by 30-year-old clerk Michaela: "I do know that my sedentary occupation means I have to exercise. Some time ago I tried jogging but I did not enjoy it very much. It was the scooter which made me really enjoy exercising! I ride it at least twice a week and in three months I have lost three kilos; my belly, bottom and thighs have firmed up.“
Health Effects of Scooters
- Suitable for all ages and sizes
- Fat burning
- Effective stretching and strengthening of most muscle groups (namely belly, back, buttocks, thighs, calves)
- Increased level of fitness
- One of the most effective methods of burning calories
- Outdoor exercise is important for mental health
In Western Europe scooter riding has become a new phenomenon of female fitstyle. Experts are also full of praise - for the human body it is more beneficial than jogging or cycling. While riding a scooter most muscle groups are working (namely those which shape our belly, buttocks, thighs, calves) and it is also an excellent assistant in weight loss. And we can only say - it is such good fun!
Scooter vs. Jogging
Scooter riding saves joints significantly because it does not lead to any shocks. On the other hand, jogging may have negative impacts on joints and backs because of shocks.
Scooter vs. Cycling
Cycling actively employs only the lower part of the body while the upper part becomes stiff which may result in back pains. Scooter riding is far more effective - apart from lower body muscles it also effectively employs back, chest and belly muscles which are stretched and strengthened. On top of that, there are no pressure sores from a hard saddle!
WARNING - do not forget to alternate left and right stepping leg!

Principle of Effective Exercise
Scooter riding requires alternation of tense and loose muscles. Muscles are stretched when the body bends forward swiftly as a result of the pressure exerted by the stepping leg. The second stage is straightening of body position in which back and belly muscles are being relaxed. Do not forget to alternate stepping legs so that you do not overload the left or right side of the body!
Losing Weight by Riding Scooter
Scooter is an unexpectedly effective weapon in fighting obesity - according to calory charts, in a one-minute scooter ride at the speed of 18 km/hour you burn 0.76 kJ/per one kilogram of weight; while cycling at the same speed and the same time you burn "only" 0.46kJ. If you want to burn the same amount of calories, you would have to cycle at the speed of cca 30km/hour. In terms of energy, scooter riding equals very a brisk running or fast swimming. You burn roughly one fourth more joules than you do e.g. during aerobics, judo training or zumba dancing - and this really is, my friends, food for thought!