
New! TooToo XL for kids 3+

→ balance bike with 14-inch wheels and sturdier frame

New! TooToo XL for kids 3+

Introducing the all-new Yedoo Mezeq!

→ iconic adult scooter is back and better than ever

Introducing the all-new Yedoo Mezeq!

Scooter Trexx

A partner to accompany you on all your adventures

Scooter Trexx

Trexx Disc

Off-road scooter with disc brakes for all weather conditions

Trexx Disc

Scooter S2016

Urban athlete and experienced outdoorsman

Scooter S2016

Scooters KIDS

Get kids out in the fresh air

Scooters KIDS

S2016 Disc

Off-road scooter with disc brakes for all weather conditions

S2016 Disc

Special editions



The popular scooters and balance bikes with mischievous design, which will change every ☹️ into a 😀. Just watch out for any 💩!

To collection
Around the World

Around the World

Versatile scooters with the Steel frame and a special design, with which you can travel to the edge of the world and beyond.

To collection


Scooters in designs inspired by the atmosphere of world metropolises.

To collection


Balance bikes in original playful designs.

To collection

From a scooter life

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