Edita Prošková - physiotherapist, podologist and podiatrist
| Vendula KosíkováEdita Prošková - physiotherapist, podologist and podiatrist. She graduated from ČVUT (Czech Technical University in Prague) with a bachelor’s degree in physiotherapy and continued to study podiatry* and podology**. In her private practice in Roudnice nad Labem, she deals with acquired as well as congenital foot defects in adults and children. Using exercises and applying podiatric aids she helps rectify the disturbed function of the feet, which influences the state and (in children) also the growth of the entire locomotive system.

Edita is also a proponent of barefoot footwear and universal movement. She will, therefore, not only help you with flat feet, inward turning ankles and inward-pointing big toe etc., but also with selecting shoes and practicing correct walking. If needed, she will design and make tailored insoles for you, or she will show you how to do taping. You may contact her at www.facebook.com/Edita-Prošková-fyzioterapeut-podolog
Podology is a field focusing on the issue of the feet, that is prevention and treatment of painful states and health complications in relation to the entire locomotive system.
Podiatry is a medical field, which focuses not only on the feet, but also on complex study of the leg from the anatomy to physiology, diagnostics, treatment and consulting. To put it simply, podiatry deals with care for the feet from bones and joints to tendons and muscles, to skin and nails. A podiatrist can also make individually made insoles for shoes.
In the Czech Republic, it is not yet possible to study podology or podiatry at a university, as is the case abroad. For this reason, in the Czech Republic education in these fields takes place in the form of courses.