Would you prefer a 1- kilometre-long descent or a ride through the mountains? Then visit Komáří vížka – the oldest observation tower in the Ore Mountains. The local scooter rental, which has its base in Dubí, offers 20 Yedoo Mezeq models and many routes for sportsmen as well as for kids.
They will rent scooters to you at Komáří Vížka, from which you can descend to Dubí, Krupka or to the car camping site in Osek.
You will pay CZK 150 for a descent. For a scooter for a whole day it will be CZK 250. You can find the details including the elevation profiles of the routes on the facebook page of the rental shop.
Routes for sportsmen as well as for kids
From the summit, you can also set out of trips along the ridges of the Ore Mountains. There are many routes here, sportsmen will enjoy themselves, as will tourists and kids, with whom you can go on an easy ride along the contour line.