The rental shop at Ještěd specialises in scooters, offering a wide range of models, various tracks and diverse sports types of recreation. Fans of adrenalin descents, as well as people, who prefer more moderate and safer descents, will find something to enjoy. Besides, the view from Ještěd is astounding. In good weather, you can see as far as Klínovec, which is 144 kilometres away, or as far as the Žižkov transmitter tower in Prague.
Descent as well as excursions around the area
On the way down from the altitude of 1012 metres above sea level, you can stop at the Indian archery range, which is located in the middle of the hill, at Výpřež. Scooterers have 5 shots from the bow free of charge!
You can also set out to Kryštofovo údolí, which is 12 kilometres away, n scooters. The trail is ideal not only for families with children. There are child seats available at the rental shop. The trail is stylishly marked (with a yellow arrow with a scooter) and leads around beautiful timbered houses, and old stone viaduct, a unique astronomical clock with moveable figures made of linden wood, up to the pub U Kryštofa, where you can leave the scooter and wait for the bus.
The rental fee reaches from CZK 70 to CZK 200 and depends on the route you choose. It is open from 10:00 a.m. and they offer Yedoo Mezeq scooters. You can arrange further details over the telephone. The braver people can go all the way to Liberec or try a fast headlong adrenalin descent from Ještěd. You will find a list of recommended routes along with further information here.